dealer in The Hague, The Netherlands

dealer in The Hague, The Netherlands
A blog to celebrate 35 years of buying and selling art, applied art, antiques, art nouveau, art deco, design, vintage and collectables


art medals with love from Delta 98 Den Haag

Sometimes an item finds the most perfect place,
new hands to touch it,
other eyes to look at it,
a hart to be moved by it,
because it is the right moment in time....

an art medal by: 

Pépé Grégoire (Dutch, born 1950)

titled: Huwelijks- of Relatiepenning 
- marriage or relationship medal -
issued in 1988 by the VPK - Vereniging voor Penningkunst
- the Dutch art medal society -
acquired from the art medal collection of Delta 98 Den Haag,
passed on in 2018, by parents to their newly married children

first you look, then you smell 
and then you need to listen

other art medals for couples:

1974, by Fons Bemelmans
 "Le Couple"
finding each other through the lines of your own life

 two loving doves on a twig, titled:
Liefkozen - Caress
1985, by: Nynke Schepers

two faces, perhaps a kiss...or not….
1984, by: Ad Arma / Ad Robert Meerman

Nudes from the collection of Delta 98 Den Haag

dressed & undressed, sold & unsold, 
statues & figures, prints & paintings
from the collection Delta 98 Den Haag
The Hague, The Netherlands

                                    by the Akan People

by Kovacs                               by Jaap Eerland


                                                            by Theo Mackaay

by B. Douglas

              by the Hemba or Luba People    

           Dutch art deco magazin Wendingen         

by Rudi Rooijackers

by Johan Limpers                   by Kees Hoogendam

       by Carl Nack for Fraureuth

by the Akan People                                  

by Walter Crane                          by K.P.C. de Bazel

by Peter van der Meer

by Lucie van Duyn

by the Dogon People       by the Sawos People

                            by Fre Jeltsema  

                                          by Frank Letterie          

    by Gustav Gurschner                                    

by Rudi Rooijackers

by Eric Claus

by Renee Sintenis                attributed to Renee Sintenis

by Joop van Kralingen

by Bernhard Hoetger                         by Nic Jonk

by Jaap Eerland

by Frederico Carasso                                                     

by Fons Bemelmans

by Jaap Eerland

by Fred Carasso

by Joe Descomps Cormier

by Alexander Baranowsky

by Fred Carasso

by Jaap Eerland

by Frederico Carasso

1960's photography by Jaap Eerland

PSP poster with Saskia Holleman,
by Hendrik Jan Koldeweij and George Noordanus