dealer in The Hague, The Netherlands

dealer in The Hague, The Netherlands
A blog to celebrate 35 years of buying and selling art, applied art, antiques, art nouveau, art deco, design, vintage and collectables


Body Art. Tattoos, scarifications, painting and piercings on objects of Delta 98 Den Haag

 Here are some objects with body art from cultures in Africa and Oceania.
Peoples, clans and tribes use, for hundreds of years, 
body paintings, scarifications, tattoos and piercings
to show were they come from, were they belong to, 
to show their role, their part and place in society, their strength, 
knowledge and experiences in life.

Ibeji twin figure, Yoruba, Africa
with ear piercing and facial scarification

Chihongo mask, Chokwe, Africa,
with facial scarifications and ear piercing

Asye Usu figure, Baule, Africa,
with facial and body scarifications

mask, Baule, Africa,
with facial scarifications

fetish figure from Gabon, Africa, 
with ear piercings, facial and body scarifications

Pende Mbuya Giwoyo mask, Angola / Congo, Africa,
with facial scarifications

Iatmul, Sepik, Papua New Guinea,
with facial painting and nose piercing

a Nguzunguzu canoe prow figure,
from Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, Oceania,
with facial tattoos and nose piercing

a Nguzu Nguzu Mon Boat prow figure,
from the Solomon Islands, Melanesia,
with shell inlay representing the facial painting of male warriors

Objects from the collection of
Delta 98 Den Haag,
The Hague, The Netherlands


Jules Vermeire and Alvin Silver Company, provenance Delta 98 Den Haag

48,5 cm hoog, stenen hoofd, door
Jules Vermeire (1885-1977), getiteld: 
Aangekocht in 1958 van de kunstenaar als kunstaankoop door de 
Dienst voor Schone Kunsten van de Gemeente Den Haag,
in 1995 overgedragen aan 
Stroom Haags Centrum voor Beeldende Kunst - HCBK,
vandaar in bruikleen gegeven aan het 
Haagse Hervormd Rusthuis Oostduin, 
Goetlijfstraat 5, Den Haag,
waar het op de balie van de receptie kwam te staan.
Toen het rusthuis ging sluiten 
konden medewerkers objecten aankopen.
De toen, nieuwe eigenaar verkocht vervolgens het beeld aan 
Delta 98 Den Haag,
waarna, het werd verkocht bij 
Sotheby's Amsterdam in 2007

American art nouveau
sterling silver overlay decanter and glasses,
made circa 1900, by:
Alvin Silver Company / Co
Providence, Rhode Island, USA,
with silver mark: 999/1000, for almost pure silver,
bought at Venduehuis der Notarissen Den Haag
by Delta 98 Den Haag