dealer in The Hague, The Netherlands

dealer in The Hague, The Netherlands
A blog to celebrate 35 years of buying and selling art, applied art, antiques, art nouveau, art deco, design, vintage and collectables


Delta 98 Den Haag selling on

some of the items, recently sold on

by Delta 98 Den Haag,

The Hague, The Netherlands

- sold to a collector in the USA –
a vintage 35 mm rangefinder camera, the
 Leica III f
made 1953-1954, by: Ernst Leitz Wetzlar, Germany
with a collapsible, screw mount lens: Leitz Elmar f=5 cm 1:3,5
and a Leica leather case

- sold to a French collection –
Papua Oceania tribal art, a
Harpoon Head made by the Asmat People 
of Irian Jaya, New Guinea, Indonesia
the point is of bone with carved flukes
and on the revers it has 10 small notches carved into the bone
the rattan holds a wooden / bamboo socket in the hollow part of the bone 
- were the long throwing haft would be put in - 
and it has it's original rattan / cane loop to attache the fisherman's rope,
see the collection of the Museum voor Volkenkunde in Leiden, The Netherlands,
search: harpoenpunt asmat 

- now in a collection in Romania –
a small, circa 1800
antique Russian Orthodox traveling Icon
with silver cover - oklad
depicting The Holy Mother Mary and The Child Jesus Christ

- sold to a buyer in the USA – 
a rare, because early, executed between 1900 and 1910,
and therefor also an extremely beautiful modelled specimen, executed with great detail, a moving porcelain figure of an
Albino Monkey
 that is looking at an insect on it's hand, whether to see it as an enemy or friend.
This story is never told when you find sales of this piece of Heubach.
An albino monkey, not welcom in his group, because of his strange, white color, so often very lonely. Now an other creature has approached him and 
there is a touch, a feel, a contact, perhaps a friend....
made by Gebrüder Heubach, from Lichte, Thuringen, Germany,

this mark was used between 1900 and 1925

we would say it is an early figurine, probably between 1900-1910, because of it's wonderful and precise details, for example the detailed modeling of the skull, fur, fingers, toes, nails and the slight, delicat colouring of ears and mouth

length: circa 18,5 cm / 7.3 inch


- sold to a buyer from Brazil -
a rare and large, authentic art nouveau  / jugendstil period
decorated with a maiden reaching out and flowers,
executed and marked between 1880 and 1914, by
AK & Cie - Albert Kohler und Cie, Vienna, Austria.
In 1900 WMF took over AK & Cie,
but continued to use the name AK & Cie until 1914.
length: 54,5 cm / 21.4 inch, height: 31,5 cm / 12.4 inch 

tribal art from Melanesia - Oceania, a good and old etnografic object, formed as a shield like totem, known as a
Gope Board

and as Ancestor / Spirit board or Kwoi / Hohao,

and sometimes spelled as Go-pay or Kope,

from the region of the Sepik River, on Papua New Guinea

made of a soft wood, carved with stone tools, slightly hollow shaped
with a high relief, curvilineer decoration organised around a fractionated human like face in a mass of meandering lines
it represents a member of the Lau-haere, the Historical People, meaning mythological personages who hunt the bush

with pigment of natural colors, red black and white,  through the years the red has darkened, the white has fainted
- sold to a private collection in Texas, USA -

a carved, gilded and painted wooden case, with glass side panels and a wax doll, a late Baroque, early 18th century shrine with the Child Jesus

this religious shrine might have been made in a monastery or convent in Europe
and is sometimes refered to as
religious folkart, Klosterwerk, monastery or convent work.
- sold to a private collection on Malta -

a carved wooden figure of a standing female, an altar or ancestor figure,

we attribute it to the

Niongom People - Dogon - Mali

we date this carving as pre 1800

carved of very hard, brown wood with encrusted patina,
important detail: arrow shaped nose,
rare detail: the star shaped eyes (so not diamond, nor lozenge shaped)
the star shaped eyes might refer to this figure having the knowledge of the stars, in particular Sirius, or the Sorghum Female star / Emme Ya Tolo - or the Star of Women / Nyan Tolo

it is carved with a helmet shaped head, elongated arrow-shaped nose, free carved arms that are obvious missing, but for a very long time judging to the patine at the spots where they should have been,
sligtly bended knees, the lower legs are missing - also for a long time
- sold to a private French collection -