dealer in The Hague, The Netherlands

dealer in The Hague, The Netherlands
A blog to celebrate 35 years of buying and selling art, applied art, antiques, art nouveau, art deco, design, vintage and collectables


Madness or Joy? The favorite antique glasses of Jaap Eerland in the collection of Delta 98 Den Haag

Beauty and function in one object: a joy !

antique white wine glass, made circa 1820 in England

Jaap Eerland, the man behind Delta 98 Den Haag, now 74 years of age, bought his first antique stemware glass when he was 8 years young. The boy started collecting one certain type of glass and learned about all types in general

paraplu glas, made circa 1780 in Holland

Living just around the corner in the Van Damstraat, Den Haag, he often joined his uncle Cees Stahlecker, or as he called him, Ome Kees, a dealer of estate contents, on the The Hague Market, known as the Haagse Markt.

de Haagse Markt, Herman Costerstaart, Den Haag

 It was Ome Kees who teached Jaap how to distinguish old from new glass and even more important, how to bargain. Sometimes Ome Kees even lended Jaap money when the boy had seen something nice on an other stall, so Jaap could go and buy it, return to Ome Kees, who gave Jaap a fair profit for a nice object. A Lalique vase was his best buy with borrowed money, 10 guilders. Ome Kees offered him 15 guilders at first, later 20. But Jaap did not accepted that offer. He did pay Kees back though !
Ome Kees, Cees Stahlecker selling on the Haagse Markt 

For his first "paraplu" glass he spended a big deal of his pocket money of 50 cents a week, he bargained the price down from 50 to 35 cents.
In the years following he bought more of this type of glass, also often from an antique dealer in town, Mr. Schoonens.

antique white wine glass, made circa 1780 in England

The name used for that type of glass by the antique dealers was:
"paraplu glas", meaning: umbrella glass.
It seems more a by storm swept umbrella to me, but who am I to question an historical name! 

Now this type of glass is called:
a stemware glass with a funel shaped, plain or faceted cuppa, with two knops on the stem, on a plain foot with rough or polished-out pontil. 

So it's obvious we prefer to say: "paraplu glas".
Jaap kept buying this type of glass in all kinds of different heights and color and placed them in his bedroom windowsill. 
His mom was not allowed to dust them.

some different sizes, made circa 1820

Jaap learned how to date all types of antique glasses by knowing their appearance on paintings, learning how they were made, the techniques used and be able to see how the glassmass had changed, "dropped", during 150 years.
The first "paraplu" glasses, with a plain cuppa, were made around 1760-1800 in Holland, Germany, Belgium and France, a little later in England.
The ones with cut facets on the bowl came into fashion around 1800.

white wine glasses, made circa 1780

The green or blue-ish-green ones are for white Rhine wine. They were not colored for the beauty, but to hide that the Rhine wine was not always clear.

In Holland we have a saying: Hij schenkt geen klare wijn. 
Translated: He does not serve clear wine.
Meaning: He's not frank or honest, he's hiding something

champagne glasses / flutes, made circa 1820 in the Low Countries

Beside the fact that some people find it hard to believe that these elegant glasses are 200 to 250 years old, it is even more difficult to realize in what times they were made; no electricity to regulate the temperature of the fluid glassmass, no trains or automobiles for transport, no bubble wrap to pack them. 
Knowing wine being expensive in the Low Countries and England and glass being a luxury, you can imagine that the glasses that survived time are quite rare.
They could be afforded by the upper-middle class and by owners of fancy inn's. Times of using, washing, drunkness, moving and wars went by, sets being split up by inheritances.

It took Jaap 15 years to match 6 flutes dating from circa 1820 with the same height and facets and up to 2002, to get two flutes made circa 1780

champagne glasses / flutes, made circa 1780, in Holland

 It was an anxious moment for me when I saw the two flutes on a fleemarket. I had never seen those types, without facets, before in Jaap's collection. He was not there to check them out. But the price I had to pay was worth the mistake I could make. 
At home I presented them to Jaap ...... they were okay !!!!!
Indeed made in the 18th century.

Why did I hesitate? Because I already knew this type was also made circa 1900-1910 in, anyway, Holland. Made again. I knew I could not see the so called "dropping" of the glass mass, I just did not have the experience to see that. I only knew to be aware when these glasses are to much or exactly the same. And when the flutes are made of leaded glass or crystal, they are usually made in the early 20th century. But not always....English glasses are often crystal.
What a confusion !

 antique red wine glasses, made circa 1820 in the Low Countries

To conclude this article I have to mention the reason of the two knops. 
That's easy. It was just functional. 
To be able to hold the glass firm in your hand with greasy fingers. 
Eating and dining without all the cutlery we are used to today, perhaps only with a knife, perhaps a two-pronged fork, but with a large napkin and a glass or a nice glass or a very nice glass

antique white wine glasses in beautiful petrol colors, made circa 1820 in England

Enjoy ! But do not ever put them in the dishwasher !

Jaap will never stop buying these glasses, he has hundreds now.
I asked him why. He said:
"Not one of these glasses are the same, they all differ"

a small part of the collection

Madness !

tekst: Marx Warmerdam
glasses: collection of Delta 98 Den Haag


Advertising Delta 98, decency or fun ?

We do not remember exactly when we ordered our first advertisement, but it must have been in a guide in 1994 about shops, dealers and auctions of books, art and antiques in The Hague, named:
Art Antiques The Hague, guide with addresses,
Kunst Antiek Den Haag, gids met adressen.
Published by Scriptum Books, Schiedam and edited by Reinold Stuurman, Janny Stuurman-Aalbers, Nerys Condrup and Margith van Houten, now known as Stuurman Promotions, Amersfoort, Netherlands.
Reinold Stuurman invited us, with his compassion for art and antiques, to advertise our business, so polite and so gentle, that we could not resist. And we never regretted that.
That first advertisement was .... what shall I say ....?  
As others did ?  Decent ? 
Dull ! Some items and a plant.
My goodness, a plant !

The reader could thankfully see other objects ! A gilded and silvered bronze, art deco, design, etnografic and antiques.
Those subjects are, even today, part of our choice of buying and collecting.
A plant ! Time to move on again !
Now with something less decent; an other way to show or excite,
or just put it the way we are

This was the way we sought and the way we wanted to present ourselves.
An object with the cause of presentation behind it.
This advertisement was published in an edition by Scriptum Art and Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon, Gent, titled:
Wat is art nouveau en art deco waard / What is the worth of art nouveau and art deco.
Again edited by Reinold Stuurman and Janny Stuurman-Aalbers, but now also with Rob Zeegers.
For more info about Stuurman Promotions see:
A nice to have and to read Dutch journal, that will keep you informed about art and antiques in The Netherlands,
but it also informs you about international topics:
Collect - Kunst & Antiek Journaal
In our archives we found some more pictures used or made for advertising:


Seen are: a tubular chair designed by Paul Schuitema, a children's chair by Gerrit Rietveld of the Verloop furniture, an Unica Leerdam glass bowl by A.D.Copier (not a salad bowl !), a wrought iron, Amsterdam School lamp from the Bijenkorf Den Haag by Piet Kramer, crystal glass by Jan Eisenloeffel, two bookstands with satyr figures by Paul Silvestre for Susse Freres Paris and a bust of a mediëval lady by Roland Grange Colombo 
All presented with Jaap Eerland

advertising pictures from the Delta 98 Den Haag archive and text by: Marx Warmerdam



Galerie Delta 98

In 1990 we started our full time business as
Galerie Delta 98
in a small shop in the Piet Heinstraat, in The Hague
The house number was 98, and that's how 98 got in our name
This is a photograph taken with an analog camera
in December 1991 of the Christmas shop-window.

We still remember who bought the jugendstil cabinet, it was
Henk Nijenhuis,
who we got to know as one of the most important dutch specialists of art nouveau and art deco tiles, he learned us a lot about that subject by sharing his knowledge, love and enthusiasm.
For his professional side as restorer in art nouveau and art deco buildings see:

The two dolls that we gave cardboard wings for the Season's atmosphere, became angels coming from heaven (or just dropping from the ceiling)
They were bought by Ben van Os, who lived just around the corner and frequently visited our shop or stopped at the window.

Ben van Os (1944-2012) lived in The Hague, Netherlands. He was a production designer and art director, known for Girl with a Pearl Earring, his work with Peter Greenaway, f.e. Drowning by Numbers - The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover - Prospero's Books - and many more.

After four years the shop on Piet Heinstraat no. 98 was getting to small. You could hardly walk between the furniture and objects. 
We even had to show pieces on the sidewallk.
Time to move on !
In 1995 we rented a six-times bigger shop in an art nouveau building just across the street, on Piet Heinstraat no. 113
The, now, three shop-windows gave people a much better idea of what we offered and it was a delight to design them every few weeks
pictures from the Delta 98 Den Haag archive by: Jaap Eerland
text by: Marx Warmerdam