dealer in The Hague, The Netherlands

dealer in The Hague, The Netherlands
A blog to celebrate 35 years of buying and selling art, applied art, antiques, art nouveau, art deco, design, vintage and collectables


Advertising Delta 98, decency or fun ?

We do not remember exactly when we ordered our first advertisement, but it must have been in a guide in 1994 about shops, dealers and auctions of books, art and antiques in The Hague, named:
Art Antiques The Hague, guide with addresses,
Kunst Antiek Den Haag, gids met adressen.
Published by Scriptum Books, Schiedam and edited by Reinold Stuurman, Janny Stuurman-Aalbers, Nerys Condrup and Margith van Houten, now known as Stuurman Promotions, Amersfoort, Netherlands.
Reinold Stuurman invited us, with his compassion for art and antiques, to advertise our business, so polite and so gentle, that we could not resist. And we never regretted that.
That first advertisement was .... what shall I say ....?  
As others did ?  Decent ? 
Dull ! Some items and a plant.
My goodness, a plant !

The reader could thankfully see other objects ! A gilded and silvered bronze, art deco, design, etnografic and antiques.
Those subjects are, even today, part of our choice of buying and collecting.
A plant ! Time to move on again !
Now with something less decent; an other way to show or excite,
or just put it the way we are

This was the way we sought and the way we wanted to present ourselves.
An object with the cause of presentation behind it.
This advertisement was published in an edition by Scriptum Art and Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon, Gent, titled:
Wat is art nouveau en art deco waard / What is the worth of art nouveau and art deco.
Again edited by Reinold Stuurman and Janny Stuurman-Aalbers, but now also with Rob Zeegers.
For more info about Stuurman Promotions see:
A nice to have and to read Dutch journal, that will keep you informed about art and antiques in The Netherlands,
but it also informs you about international topics:
Collect - Kunst & Antiek Journaal
In our archives we found some more pictures used or made for advertising:


Seen are: a tubular chair designed by Paul Schuitema, a children's chair by Gerrit Rietveld of the Verloop furniture, an Unica Leerdam glass bowl by A.D.Copier (not a salad bowl !), a wrought iron, Amsterdam School lamp from the Bijenkorf Den Haag by Piet Kramer, crystal glass by Jan Eisenloeffel, two bookstands with satyr figures by Paul Silvestre for Susse Freres Paris and a bust of a mediëval lady by Roland Grange Colombo 
All presented with Jaap Eerland

advertising pictures from the Delta 98 Den Haag archive and text by: Marx Warmerdam